Topics related to global investment, job creation, skill development, agriculture, logistics, AI, call centers, and financial literacy.

Nigeria: Diversifying Beyond Oil and Becoming a Global Commerce Powerhouse
Nigeria has a lot to offer the global market beyond crude oil. As the largest economy in Africa, Nigerians have the potential to be major players in global commerce. With the right resources, expertise, and strategies, Nigerian businesses can meet the demands of global corporations and reap significant benefits.

Equipping Nigerians for a Global Economy: Practical Steps to Develop and Deploy Skills Development Programs
Nigeria's economic growth and competitiveness in the global market depend on its ability to develop and deploy effective skills development programs. The government has already taken some steps in this direction, but more needs to be done to ensure that Nigerians have the necessary skills to compete in a global economy.

Creating Sustainable Job Opportunities in Nigeria: Top 5 Things That Need to Happen
Nigeria is facing a high unemployment rate, with over 33% of the population without a job. The country's population growth, with over 50% of the population under the age of 14, further exacerbates the need for job creation and workforce development.

Overcoming Frozen Perceptions: Unlocking Nigeria's Potential for Global Investment
When it comes to finding work in Nigeria, having the right technical skills and education is essential. However, in today's job market, employers are increasingly looking for candidates with strong soft skills.